In English paz y convivencia Politica Reflexiones relaciones internacionales Seguridad


October 8, 2021

“That is why I am an anti-imperialist. I object to that

the eagle nails its claws in any other land ”.

Mark Twain


In memory of:

Hero of solidarity and compassion

Rolando Cruz Castillo (1963-2021).


Example of commitment and service

Paúl Suárez García (1961-2021).


In Nicaragua, a legitimate electoral process is underway in accordance with the institutional rules of the national common good, compatible with international law, not akin to the authoritarian imperial or neocolonial conditioning that has sought, throughout history, to undermine the sovereignty and dignity of women, small independent nations gestating and articulating old and new schemes of destabilization, interference, threats, subjugation and aggression.


The elections are only a periodic, popular and democratic instrument to continue advancing in the consolidation of an authentic political, social, economic and cultural model of solidarity and community, that overcomes the unjust relations of inequality and exclusion, that allows everyone, in particular the excluded, to access education, health, basic services and a dignified and healthy life, in harmony with nature, within a nation that promotes relations of dialogue, respect and cooperation among all the peoples of the world.


This imperfect human and institutional process, which can be perfected upon the path that Nicaraguans have undertaken, deserves and demands to be respected. It is a consequence of historical evolution, it is not alien to the need to defend and anticipate irrational external and internal threats and risks against the collective imaginary, the popular aspirations, the solidarity and simple character of the inhabitants of this rich Central American nation. It cannot be designed by the polluting interference that disparages, disqualifies and destroys, with arrogant superiority, the sociopolitical initiatives, mainly those that achieve visible success, because they are viewed as unacceptable popular victories that improve the lives of citizens, that break with the oligarchic schemes of dependency and that do not correspond with the traditional paradigm of hegemony and wild expansionist capitalism that preserves inequality, but with the transforming course of prosperity and equity in which the majority of Nicaraguans of good will, have been committed since the triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution in July, 1979.


Who tried to discredit and destroy the successful socioeconomic and political advance of Nicaragua that, during the last decade, at the end of 2017, obtained surprising results according to various national and international sources? How did they do it?


Let’s position ourselves in December of that year. Nicaragua achieved one of the highest economic growth rates in Latin America, an impressive reduction in poverty and extreme poverty, an improvement in integral human development that allowed access to health, education, social security, employment and housing for thousands of Nicaraguans, mainly from the Traditionally excluded sectors, there was an expansion of the electricity network, drinking water, internet and communication routes. The country registered the best citizen security in Central America, the homicide rate (the main indicator recognized globally) was one of the best in Latin America. The encouraging outlook confirmed: healthy national accounts, monetary stability, sufficient international reserves, low inflation, increased public and private investment, improvement in social equity and a model that was consolidated with sovereign and unalterable commitment toward the national interest. The robustness of the results is unquestionable.


These Independent processes, from the hegemonic perspective and parameters of the US and its imperial allies, was considered to be unacceptable. The United States resorts to various illegal and inhuman mechanisms, manipulates multilateral and global instances, invents and distorts local social and political organizations in order to disrupt internal life, it creates artificial leaderships according to its rigged profile, it sets up a theatrical scenario to justify its acts of aggression, it invents lies with persistent messages and images that it disseminates on the large communication channels and virtual networks to confuse and demonize, it promotes disproportionate media campaigns to activate negative emotions, it exploits instincts, fractures society, divides peoples and exacerbates local contradictions, to derail the proper course that the country, its institutions and popular organizations seek.


The new type of failed coup d’état that occurred between April and July 2018, tried to break the constitutional order and impose anarchy, with serious human, social, economic and political costs; it harmed thousands of citizens, destroyed public and private infrastructure, affected employment and damaged institutional, social and community trust. Hundreds of families were sent to mourning, the daily performance of the cities and communities of the country was disturbed. However, fortunately, the confusion, disorder, destructive violence and irrational hatred were stopped and overcome by social and political organization, solidarity, responsibility and a coherent institutional response. The state and society, in the exercise of their fundamental purpose: the common good, managed to restore public order and social mobility and made the truth be known of the events in the face of the excessive proliferation of slander and manipulations, spread recklessly and deleteriously, “inventing truths” and without verifying the evidence, nationally and globally. The Truth, Justice and Peace Commission set up by the State of Nicaragua to hear the facts presented in its IV Preliminary Report (July 10, 2019) a meticulous and verified report of the unfortunate events.


Unfortunately, as a consequence, several criminal violations were identified as having been committed by particular individuals who should have had to face a process of investigation, incarceration and sanctions according to the national legislation. The State of Nicaragua decided, not without the dissatisfaction and resignation of many victims and their families, to promulgate the Amnesty Law (Law 996, of 8.6.2019) as the “will of the State to seek stability, ensure peace and the improvement of the economic conditions for the integral development of the Nicaraguan families”. In article 3: “Non Repetition”, it emphasizes that: “the non-observance of the principle of Non Repetition will result in the revocation of the benefit established by this law.” Material authors that were investigated or sanctioned, those who were not investigated or deprived of liberty and material and intellectual authors, funders, instigators or accomplices of the events of violence and destruction, were all pardoned, there was a “forgetting of the crime” and “forgiveness of the penalty”, it ceased all criminal prosecution with the exception of NON Repetition.


However, the destabilization objective of the United States and others against Nicaragua continued with the same illicit actors, methods and means. They had used, in order to

disturb social peace and breaking of the constitutional order, a few businesses, media and religious groups, non-governmental organizations that deviated from the purposes and reasons for their existence and international agencies that financed and created conflicts, made-up realities, promoted false leaderships all of whom had the American blessing, who lobbied to request foreign interventions, promoters of threats and aggressions, as well as illegal and inhuman sanctions against the country; even in times of pandemic, they lent themselves to spread lies, so that, as the German philosopher Immanuel Kant affirms “by lying, annihilating dignity”, manipulating, disqualifying and confusing, they were aligned, as agents and accomplices of foreign powers, with their interfering interests; which accordingly provided Nicaragua, based on its legislation, with the right and the obligation to strengthen its defense against the unscrupulous imperialist aggressor: crimes of treason against the motherland, that compromise social peace, falsehood, money laundering and others.


Those who knew of the condition of Non Repetition continued to blatantly do the same with the complicity of the US and others. The State responsibly observed their criminal conduct and decided to act in a timely manner, according to its obligation, in order to stop impunity for the shameful acts that, unlike those who were prosecuted for the events of 2018, in which they were spectators, enjoying the privileges of their family, economic and social status, are now, those who had obedient disciples, access to the managers of North American politics, to whom they offered themselves, sold themselves and appeared to receive the blessing of the followers of the Monroe Doctrine, the Great Cudgel and the Diplomacy of the dollar… The Florentine sage Leonardo da Vinci said: “Oh, human misery, to how many things do you submit for money!”


Before starting the general elections process, in accordance with the Constitution and the respective laws, it was evident that those opportunistic local actors, obedient to the foreign aggressor, had been financed, instructed and proclaimed by the State Department as part of the group from which “The candidate and the entourage to anoint” would rise and that would best represent, not the will or the electoral interest of the Nicaraguan people, but the North American strategy to restore the dependency of the country, to preserve backward structures and the benefits of the privileged classes.


Would the United States allow France, Germany, Japan, Russia, China, or any other foreign power to create or disguise a social or political organism, finance it, educate it, and from there, promote a “candidate” for the presidency? Would any European country tolerate that another power installed and financed entities, purposes and leaders to impose itself on local power from some foreign springboard? Is it legal to do it there? Of course not! Why should it be allowed here?


It is up to Nicaraguans, in the exercise of civic rights, to choose and be elected. Is it contrary to dignity, patriotism, sovereignty and independence for someone to enjoy privileged foreign economic and political support in order to disturb the national dynamics, to have a political platform developed and financed by a foreign government or corporation. It is not illegal or criminal to be an opponent; it is however, criminal and reprehensible to betray the country and to become an instrument of any power to destabilize the country and to damage the interests of the nation, which is the common welfare of Nicaraguans.


Why did they want to design and mask a political party body with servile and artificial candidates? They were looking for a temporary, disposable figure, without any structural organization, just a desk, without any territorial base or with a rickety fictitious network, without its own political program or only with a set of scattered and inconsistent statements, as a soundboard of the State Department and its attached structures such as the OAS and others, without a proactive vision, only with approaches of attack and manipulation, of disinformation, that although may be confusing to some, is not capable of capturing in a sustainable or meaningful way, the popular sympathy and trust that will undoubtedly prevail, according to various confirmed opinion polls, in favor of patriotic positions of dignity and service, for the common good, for stability, peace and integral development, for coexistence and solidarity, for work, education, health, community, social and productive infrastructure, for self-determination and respect for sovereignty.


With that decorative, manageable and usable figure, as a slogan and letterhead, as a cover photo, they did not intend, considering it in the most practical terms impossible, to win the general elections of November 2021. Without leadership, without organization, without program, without any unit of opposition, contaminated by the coup events of 2018, discredited by their own failed public management and the unpopular origins of the groups they represent, with multiple interests in the internal debate; it was not only impossible to win, but neither to occupy any relevant space within the legislative representation. What did the designer of this imperialist policy really want from his unscrupulous expansionist practice? It is simple. They had “accepted”, in the scenario of what is possible, to lose the election; perhaps with the maximum effort, they could capture a vote no greater than 20%, and with it, ignore the electoral results, disqualify the undisputed winner by overwhelming popular vote, which, as expected, would achieve 2/3 of the vote; to artificially recognize the designated loser as the winner and move some of the most subordinate and dependent countries to recognize as the “legitimate president”, “beachhead” of intervention, – the eagle sticking its claw or the octopus spreading its tentacles – the usurper elected by the controlling aggressor, aiming to repeat the spent and disqualified method of destabilization used in Venezuela and which to date has shown to be a failure, the useful idiot, the circus puppet, is a disposable caricature with which the Americans, did not and will not, succeed in defeating the heroic Bolivarian Revolution led by the legitimate constitutional authorities.


The State of Nicaragua, in full exercise of its sovereignty and with intelligent serenity, predicted the continuity of the attempt to sow chaos and break with the constitutional order, and dismantled this crude maneuver, acting in accordance with the law, in order to prevent impunity that goes against the common good and placing the traitors and accomplices in front of the public. The Liberator Simón Bolívar said with certainty: “… we cannot have traitors in the ranks, otherwise, we would lose our country” (1811). Nicaragua is within its right before the world to denounce the government of the United States of America at the International Court of The Hague and in all possible spaces and forums, for this maneuver that violates international norms and to demand consistent actions from the sister sovereign nations of the world for respect and non complicity.


Nicaragua is a firm source of hope for social and progressive movements, it is a voice for the self-determination of the peoples who demand to be protagonists of their own destiny.


Managua, Nicaragua

Comparto referencias de mis libros y escritos diversos sobre seguridad, policía, literatura, asuntos sociales y económicos, como contribución a la sociedad. La primera versión de esta web fue obsequio de mi querido hijo Juan José Bautista De León en 2006. Él se anticipó a mí y partió el 1 de enero de 2016. Trataré de conservar con amor, y en su memoria, este espacio, porque fue parte de su dedicación profesional y muestra de afecto. Le agradezco su interés y apoyo en ayudarme a compartir.
