paz y convivencia Politica Reflexiones relaciones internacionales


October 21, 2021

“To the powerful countries, I ask that the aggressions, blockades, unilateral sanctions against any country in any part of the earth to cease.”

Pope Francis (10/16/2021).

“The shadows will fall behind you …”

Walt Whitman

The civic electoral campaign in Nicaragua, a legitimate and sovereign national political process, takes place in a complex scenario; however serene, stable and safe, strengthened by patriotic dignity, solidarity, hope and popular commitment. There are, in this particular context, two circumstances to consider:

* First: the various concerns and limitations imposed by the uncertain pandemic that Nicaragua has approached with intelligent solidarity from its reality, and whose effects are prolonged and overwhelm the world, impact public health and socioeconomic life, thus restricting mass mobilization of candidates and supporters, carrying out the possible campaign activities through assemblies with small groups, direct contacts with voters, dissemination in conventional and virtual media, social networks and graphic advertising in public spaces. ** Second: the consequences of the self-disqualification and self-destruction of some opponents who excluded themselves from the opportunity to conquer their own civic spaces, through political struggle within the constitutional framework, by allowing themselves to be bought by interfering interests of foreign powers, which dragged them without contemplation, until embarking them as irrational, useful and disposable instruments; not only in the destructive drama of the failed coup (April-July 2018), but also, despite the amnesty decreed with the inescapable condition of “forgiveness and NO repetition”, several, blinded by the impunity that the aggressor intends to foster, continued with similar blatant practices, which put them in an open criminal, unpatriotic and complicity position to continue trying to destabilize the country – by insensitive heralds of manipulation and disinformation, inhumane and submissive attacks on the common welfare, aiming to surrender independence and sacrifice sovereignty, which, due to the obligation of the state and society, cannot be allowed. It is the viral infection of hatred, violence, manipulation and treason, the worst of sins, the most reprehensible crime according to Virgilio and Dante. To the articulator of the imperial strategy that in its atrophied nature imposes its hegemony, the successful, authentic and popular national socioeconomic and political models are inconceivable, brutalized by its expansionist interests without considering the needs of our small and worthy Central American nation – without respect for the useful fools who lend themselves to the reckless and denigrating game of calling them, opening doors and surrendering, as happened during the 20th century and before that, in the mid-19th century, with the liberals of Francisco Castellón who brought Byron Cole and William Walker to start a dark chapter in our history, the first North American intervention to try to annex the expanding empire of the north, not only our country, but also Central America. Arrogant supremacy has not allowed US imperialism to act with healthy intelligence for the sustainability, the stable and just future of its people, the nations of the world and humanity as a whole; which is why it has frequently gone out of control to invade, intervene, destroy and devastate, to usurp and impose particular interests through the most dissimilar, gross and well-known methods. The reiteration of these acts tarnishes the merits and disqualifies the positive greatness of the people and the nation of Twain, Poe, Whitman, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Luther King… According to Spiderman: “with great power comes great responsibility”. Just as it is inhuman and a violation of international law to sustain the blockade against the heroic people of Cuba for almost six decades, it is neither a lucid measure, as it show a deep-rooted clumsiness due to anachronistic practices, it is contrary to the path of justice and equity, opposed to the strengthening of any national and popular democratic political process, that improves coexistence and security and people’s lives.

The imperialist obsession prevents North American operators, as part of the crazy inhuman and crushing machinery of democracies and global peace, from thinking and acting with rational serenity. The instinctive and paranoid impulse of interference and aggression prevails by the architect of the disastrous invasions, aggressions and coups in Latin America and the person responsible for dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, terrifying massacres of human and material destruction, which are the most horrible crimes against humanity in history, and that have remained in the complicity of the world system that they seek to control. The desperate foreign pretentions, unscrupulously threw certain organizations and fictional leaderships over the precipice. Consequently, having surrendered for lack of dignity and nationalist vision, it allowed some local figures to be burned. Several of the possible opposition political groups and social organizations were contaminated and denatured; letterhead associations were incorporated into an imprecise mixture of ephemeral acronyms far away from the needs and popular identity, without territorial organic structures.They collapsed in failure as they tried to break the constitutional order. They were evident because, despite the confusion, misinformation, hatred and confrontation that they generated, the serious disturbances to public order and to the social, economic and political life of the country; they failed to permanently capture social attention and much less, to garner the support of the majority of citizens and, contrary to it; people of good will, community, social and political organization, managed to react and dismantle their criminal intentions. It is impossible for a government to sustain its legitimate validity without counting on the support of popular majority; without having the institutional capacity that, attached to the current legal framework, allows it to restore and preserve the duty of the state for the common good; which is essentially order, citizen security, justice, equity and solidarity.

The shameless maneuvers to manipulate community needs; confuse the legitimate concerns and demands of the social sectors; misinform in order to create false realities and exacerbate the normal contradictions of coexistence; ignore the socioeconomic advances and the improvements to the quality of life of the traditionally excluded sectors; were not sustainable. They evaporated, as the saying goes “like a flaming gopher.” The country achieved, with recognized heroism and overwhelming success, fueled by the historical strength of dignity and patriotism, with the sense of solidarity, commitment and hope that animates our history, the present and the future, to restore security, mobility and coexistence.Therefore, several of the characters involved who directed, financed or incited this perverse criminal riot were discredited for the responsibility of their actions and the complicity with the foreign interference that they continued to show, even after attaining forgiveness under the premise of NON repetition. The State Department, through its diplomatic, intelligence, “conditional cooperation”, economic, media and allied instruments, threw their lackeys or local disciples into the fire, without any consideration. They acted with short-term brutality, without contemplation of any kind and blinded by opportunistic ambition or clumsy naivety.Part of the national political opposition, committed to the actions of the criminal coup, assuming and repeating the speech prepared by their foreign boss, receiving money and instructions in open violation of national and international legislation, “jumped into the water” and, without knowing how to swim, drowned in public view. They were left frustrated, “or hanging by the brush”, along with several of their followers or possible followers. The lack of imperial wisdom prevailed over the national interest, submission prevailed and the current, unfortunately, swept them away. Did the managers of gringo politics expect the Nicaraguan state to remain immobile and complacent in the face of gross interference in its internal affairs? Did they believe that they would be allowed with impunity to continue receiving money, creating organizations, promoting false leaderships, misconstruing the truth, manipulating and destabilizing, undermining the inalienable right conquered by the Nicaraguan People to be the architect of its destiny for the common well-being?

In May 2018, during the opportunity for dialogue that was frustrated by the biased methodological incompetence of the mediators and witnesses of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, and the blind intransigence of the improvised representatives of the provocation against the constitutional order, lacking in Political vision, blinded by hatred and violence, revealed the true nature of their purpose, demanding the departure of the president-elect of Nicaragua; that the institutionality be dismantled; that we fall into a state of anarchy that would overthrow the popular conquests and later, demanding early general elections… The Nicaraguan Government and the representatives of the popular organizations listened with serenity to the absurd and disrespectful claims and, having offered the exacerbated group, dissolved in a cloud of confusion and manipulation, to desist from violence so that we could continue advancing together through the consistent path of prosperity that was maintained during the last decade, confirmed its legitimacy, responsibility and dignity. The actors involved with the external agent, anchored outside of the country’s democratic institutions, “chose not to go down the ladder” that the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity offered them, they did not make amends, they continued …Advancing the general elections, as a demand dictated by the imperial inciter, would damage the constitutional order, although in reality, as is known, those “representatives” who were never elected by anyone, but were however, appointed by someone; who lacked legal organic structures or programmatic formulation, had neither the intention nor were they prepared to enter in a civic manner into an advanced electoral contest; their purpose was to generate disturbance and greater chaos to aggravate the conflict, dismantle the revolutionary process, hand over the country to the historically dependent oligarchy, reestablishing the exclusive privileges of big capital and submission to American politics.

If they had been smart, after the serious mistakes that led to the failure of the coup, taking advantage of the June 2019 amnesty; if they had kept their distance from violence and external dependence; if they had focused on internal political organization; If they had worked with a patriotic and independent sense, to prepare for the 2021 elections, perhaps other conditions would have been achieved.

They were burned, they drowned before their time, they were committed to the continuity of the acts of submission and aggression. Their operator, who created and directed them, let them burn and drown, threw them into the flames, from the highest precipice, pushed them down the cliff to drown them. What does the foreigner care about discarding them and appointing others? They believed that impunity would allow them to continue. They did not count on the courage of the Sandinista leadership and all Nicaraguans; the unwavering strength of patriotic dignity with which Nicaragua is invested, to defend herself from threats, to protect herself from aggression, under the protection of the RULE OF LAW, to abide by popular interest, not by the RULE OF THE RIGHT; of national legislation, not of the North American federal norm, of international law, not of the submissive complicity of the frightened satellites that are bought by threats, sanctions and blockades, that are crude and illicit mechanisms of the shadows that will not prevail.Who acts badly, the foreign nation that finances, attacks and destabilizes a legitimate institutional process or the sovereign and independent nation that defends itself with its instruments of law to dismantle that arrogant aggression that runs over national and international legislation? Why allow the United States to interfere with impunity to break the constitutional order and destabilize? The nations of the world and people of good will must listen to the popular clamor of this dignified nation in Central America, whose history of struggle confirms its unwavering vocation in building a more just, equitable, Christian and supportive society.The possible absentees in the general elections of November 2021 were excluded by acting foolishly and lacking in intelligence, due to the coup commitment and the persistence of agents of interference and aggression of a foreign power. It is painful and sad to say, that some comrades became instruments of treason against the country. They became subjects of criminal prosecution who believed that they enjoyed the blessings of impunity-of-origin and of those who encourage them from the circles of North American power. The aggressor acted with brutal imperial arrogance, proliferating threats, disqualifying and destroying other civic options that it could have respected without buying or subduing them as submissive puppets or threads of the destabilizing gear. The fools were sunk by the aggressor and now, unfortunately, they pay for the common good, the consequences.

Democratic strengthening is effective popular participation in political, economic, social and cultural management, it promotes access to integral development with equity and solidarity, it is not synonymous with impunity, nor is it limited to electoral participation, which is a complementary and necessary episode in which through popular vote, Nicaraguans reaffirms their civic vocation opposed to external disturbance and destabilization, to frustrate the path of the common good for Good-living, which is in balance with the natural environment, inclusive social development, coexistence in peace, security and prosperity . The American political scientist Noam Chomsky recognizes: “Today the only way for the United States to attack a much weaker enemy is by building a huge propaganda offensive that presents it as the most absolute, and even as a threat to its very survival.” This is the same as what was said by Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister: “If the lie is big enough and you tell it frequently, people start to believe it.” How to explain the disproportionate media campaign of lies and misrepresentations that activates advertising and diplomatic systems in order to discredit and create nonexistent scenarios? Nicaragua is not, nor has it ever been, an enemy of any people in the world, nor of the North American government and people; it has never attacked or invaded a foreign country, it does not represent any threat to the powerful northern empire; it has been a victim of violence, intervention and exploitation of its resources; it has seen its territory transgressed by colonial powers of yesterday and today. Richard Nixon, the thirty-seventh president of the United States refers: “We are an empire and when we act we are creating a new reality.” The Nicaraguan diplomat and academic Mario Barquero in his essay, United States of America: from religious puritanism to the imperial sociopath (2019), concludes: “Regardless of the Head of State and government in power, an invariable characteristic is the use of violence in its international relations, which can range from sanctions (unilateral, coercive measures), financing by criminal groups (proxy), coups, to direct military interventions. All of these forms of aggression have been and are used by US political leaders.”  Why are the spokes persons of some nations and international organizations confused and lend themselves to the dark inhuman game promoted by the aggressor? Are they co-authors or naive, are they misinformed or manipulated, are they afraid, do they prefer silence or complicit indifference? How are they going to place themselves, for whatever reason, next to the one who has systematically pretended to be attacker and policeman, who promotes or creates illicit and shady acts without assuming any consequences? It is not lawful for others to claim the right to discuss and decide what is incumbent on each sovereign nation within the framework of its institutional order. Nations, international forums, organizations and social and political movements for the self-determination of peoples, are obliged to contribute to peaceful coexistence, sustainable development and prosperity with equity. It is inhumane, contrary to international law, not Christian nor compatible with the principles of relations of dialogue, respect and cooperation that should prevail among the nations of the world.We need to close the door to the intruder and convene at home, stripped of the horrible virus of interference and betrayal; strengthened with the patriotic immunity of dignity for the good of Nicaragua, always free. Peace is the way… The society and the state of Nicaragua continue in their democratic and popular process as part of the essential course of prosperity, equity, solidarity, security and peace, acting with firm legitimacy, to defend themselves against the unscrupulous apparatus of the powerful aggressor state, its followers, accomplices, agents and instruments of conflict, falsehood and manipulation; to cut the poisoned tentacles that usually spread among the weakest nations, magnified by the courage of the truth, like David against Goliath, with the mettle of faith, heroism and honor, as Sandino did before and as Nicaraguan patriots and of good will do now…

United, Nicaragua triumphs!

Managua, Nicaragua

Comparto referencias de mis libros y escritos diversos sobre seguridad, policía, literatura, asuntos sociales y económicos, como contribución a la sociedad. La primera versión de esta web fue obsequio de mi querido hijo Juan José Bautista De León en 2006. Él se anticipó a mí y partió el 1 de enero de 2016. Trataré de conservar con amor, y en su memoria, este espacio, porque fue parte de su dedicación profesional y muestra de afecto. Le agradezco su interés y apoyo en ayudarme a compartir.
